Vectren Solar Project in Cause No. 45086

Vectren has proposed a 50 MW solar project and has requested a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).

Here is the timetable thus far:

5-4-2018 Vectren filed petition with IURC

45086 Vectren South_Verified Petition Solar_050418

Vectren then prefiled its testimony in support of CPCN.

45086_Vectren South_Submission Direct Testimony and Attachments_051418

45086_Vectren South_Direct Testimony Swiz_050418

9-4-18 Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) and Intervenors prefile. Intervenors include Alliance Coal and Citizens Action Coalition (CAC)

John Haselden on behalf of the OUCC prefiles testimony opposing Vectren's proposed solar project and suggests several alternatives.

45086 OUCC PublicTestimonyJohnEHaselden 090518 (1)


Alliant Coal submits testimony by Charles Griffey opposing the CPCN for the solar project. No surprise here.

45086 AllianceCoal NoticeSubmissionConfidentialPreFiledTestimony 090418

Citizens Action Coalition (CAC) prefiles testimony by Kerwin Olson supporting the CPCN for Vectren's solar project.

45086 CAC SubmissionPublicDirectTestimonyandAttach 090618

9-18-18 Vectren to file rebuttal testimony

9-26-18 at 9:30 am there will be an Evidentiary Hearing

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